
Each Kibitzr transform modifies content and passes it forward. Transforms can be divided into following groups: HTML, plain text, JSON.


  • tag: tagname - crop HTML to contents of the first matching HTML tag.

  • css: selector - crop HTML to the first encountered outer HTML matching passed CSS selector.

  • css-all: selector - crop HTML to the concatenated list of all matching elements.

  • xpath: path - crop HTML to contents of the passed XPath.

  • xpath-all: path - crop HTML to the concatenated list of all matching elements.

  • text - strip all HTML tags and return only text.

Plain text

  • changes - Compare to the previous version of the content and return difference report.

  • changes: verbose - Same as changes, but in human-friendly format.

  • changes: word - Same as changes, but highlight changes within a string.

  • jinja: template - Render Jinja2 template. See jinja transform for reference.


  • python: code - Execute arbitrary Python *code* on passed content.

  • shell: code - Execute arbitrary Shell support code on passed content. Call grep, awk or sed, for example.


  • json - Pretty print JSON content.

  • jq - Apply jq JSON transformation (jq must be installed).

Jinja Transform

Kibitzr supports Jinja2 templates. Following variables are passed into a context:

  • conf - check configuration dictionary

  • stash - global persistent key-value storage; See Stash for details

  • content - input as plain text

  • lines - input as a list of lines

  • json - input parsed from JSON

  • css - crop input HTML to CSS selector, similar to css-all transform

  • xpath - crop input XML to XPath selector, similar to xpath transform

  • env - environment variables dictionary.

Also set of built-in Jinja filters is extended with:

  • text - strip all HTML tags and return only text

  • float - remove all characters except numbers and point.

  • int - convert text or float to integer

Because Jinja transform uses general-purpose template engine, it can supersede simpler transforms. However greater powers come with more points of failure. Debugging of failed Jinja2 template might be challenging. Generally I recommend using it only if you can’t achieve desired effect without it.


Here is a sequence of transformations, that will

  1. Crop HTML page to CSS selector #plugin-description > div > p > a

  2. Transform it’s contents to text

  3. Compare it to previous value and report difference in human-readable form.

- css: "#plugin-description > div > p > a"
- text
- changes: verbose

Complete kibitzr.yml could look like this:

  - name: JetPack updates
      - css: "#plugin-description > div > p > a"
      - text
      - changes: verbose
      - smtp:
    period: 3600

When launched first time, it will send e-mail to with contents:

Download Version 4.6

Once page contents changes, on next kibitzr launch the e-mail will be:

Previous value:
Download Version 4.6
New value:
Download Version 4.7

Next config will notify on new Kibitzr releases published on GitHub:

  - name: Kibitzr releases
      - jq: ".[] | .tag_name + \" \" + .name"
      - changes
      - slack
    period: 3600

Example Slack message:

@@ -1,2 +1,3 @@
+ "v2.6.2 Added jq transformer"
  "2.6.1 Fixed git repo configuration"
  "2.6.0 Added \"changes: verbose\" transformer"