:orphan: .. _daemon: =================== Running as a daemon =================== Recommended way of daemonizing kibitzr is by using `supervisord`_. You can install supervisord along with the kibitzr by running: .. code-block:: bash $ pip install supervisord Here is an example configuration to get you up and running: .. code-block:: ini [unix_http_server] file=%(here)s/supervisor.sock [supervisord] logfile=%(here)s/supervisord.log logfile_maxbytes=50MB logfile_backups=10 loglevel=info pidfile=%(here)s/supervisord.pid nodaemon=false minfds=1024 minprocs=200 [rpcinterface:supervisor] supervisor.rpcinterface_factory = supervisor.rpcinterface:make_main_rpcinterface [supervisorctl] serverurl=unix:///%(here)s/supervisor.sock [program:kibitzr] command=kibitzr run directory=%(here)s startsecs=30 stopwaitsecs=600 stderr_logfile=%(here)s/logs/kibitzr.log stderr_logfile_maxbytes=10MB stderr_logfile_backups=10 stderr_capture_maxbytes=1MB Just make sure, that ``logs`` directory exists and is writable. Having this configuration in `supervisor.ini`, launch using command: .. code-block:: bash $ supervisord -c supervisor.ini Later you can inspect kibitzr status with .. code-block:: bash $ supervisorctl -c supervisor.ini status (Note that another executable is used: supervisorctl instead of supervisord) Or shut down kibitzr it with: .. code-block:: bash $ supervisorctl -c supervisor.ini stop kibitzr .. _supervisord: http://supervisord.org/