.. _notifiers: ========= Notifiers ========= If :ref:`transformation sequence ` produced non-empty text, list of notifiers will be called. Kibitzr supports following notifier types: 1. ``smtp`` - Send an e-mail through any SMTP server; See :ref:`SMTP notifier docs ` for details 2. ``mailgun`` - or send it through mailgun_ API 3. ``slack`` - Trigger `Slack Incoming Webhook`_ 4. ``telegram`` - Send message through :ref:`private Telegram Bot ` 5. ``zapier`` - Trigger `Zapier Catch Hook`_ 6. ``gitter`` - Post to gitter's chat 7. ``gotify`` - Push notification via :ref:`Gotify ` 8. ``python`` - Run :ref:`Python script ` 9. ``shell`` - Run :ref:`shell script ` 10. ``stash`` - Save to persistent global key-value storage; See :ref:`stash` for details Each notifier requires different configuration. For the sake of security, sensitive information like API tokens, usernames and passwords can (and should) be stored in separate file - ``kibitzr-creds.yml`` It's recommended to restrict access to this file to the owner. .. _mailgun: https://www.mailgun.com/ .. _Slack Incoming Webhook: https://api.slack.com/incoming-webhooks .. _Zapier Catch Hook: https://zapier.com/developer/documentation/v2/static-webhooks/ Example configurations ---------------------- .. code:: yaml smtp: host: smtp.gmail.com port: 587 user: kibitzrrr@gmail.com password: (sat;hfsDA5wa@$%^jh mailgun: key: key-asdkljdiytjk89038247102380 domain: sandbox57895483457894350345.mailgun.org to: John Doe slack: url: https://hooks.slack.com/services/T5665TUV/B21J7KCTX/Ov2xUt84atxi4yjvBnEqMIKX gitter: url: https://webhooks.gitter.im/e/24a1042f49211ca9504a telegram: token: 343558405:ABHCRh_rnzO554skSlISotUnNFWt3p8P004 zapier: url: https://hooks.zapier.com/hooks/catch/1670195/9asu13/ gotify: url: https://gotify.example.de/ token: A0dIInnCs1J1zNN