Source code for kibitzr.transformer.factory

Built-in transforms
import os
import pkgutil
import importlib
import logging

import six

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def load_transforms(): path = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) before, sep, _ = __name__.rpartition('.') prefix = before + sep registry = {} for _, modname, _ in pkgutil.walk_packages([path], prefix): submodule = importlib.import_module(modname, __name__) if hasattr(submodule, 'register'): registry.update(submodule.register()) return registry
[docs]class TransformPipeline: """ Create transformation pipeline from check conf. Class instances are callable (executing run_pipeline) """ REGISTRY = load_transforms() def __init__(self, conf): """ Create list of transforms for rules defined in conf['transform']. """ self.conf = conf rules = self.conf.get('transform', []) if isinstance(rules, six.string_types): rules = [rules] self.transforms = [ self.create_transform(rule) for rule in rules ]
[docs] def run_pipeline(self, ok, content): for transform in self.transforms: if ok: ok, content = transform(content) else: break if not ok: content = self.on_error(content) if content: content = content.strip() return ok, content
__call__ = run_pipeline
[docs] def create_transform(self, rule): """ Create single transform from rule. Rule can be string, or {key: value} pair """ try: name, value = next(iter(rule.items())) except AttributeError: name, value = rule, None try: return self.REGISTRY[name](value, conf=self.conf) except KeyError as exc: raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown transform: {name}") from exc
[docs] def on_error(self, content): """ In case of error, conf['error'] is checked for policy name. It can be 'ignore', or 'notify' (default). Ignore policy replaces content with None, Notify policy passes content through. """ error_policy = self.conf.get('error', 'notify') if error_policy == 'ignore': if content: logger.error("Ignoring error in %s", repr(content)[:60]) return None if error_policy == 'notify': logger.debug("Notifying on error") return content logger.warning("Unknown error policy: %r", error_policy)"Defaulting to 'notify'") return content
transform_factory = TransformPipeline